Animal Care Center of Hudson offers screening for certain conditions and diseases, as well as for breeding purposes.
Hip Dysplasia
This condition occurs when the hip joint of a young dog becomes loose or unstable in some way. If this health issue isn’t identified and treated, it causes a wearing down of the hip cartilage and progresses until the dog has significant arthritis or degenerative joint disease. Symptoms of hip dysplasia include:
- Reluctance to get up or exercise
- Problems climbing stairs
- Walking with a “hop”
- Limping/lameness, especially after exercise
At Animal Care Center of Hudson, we can identify developing hip dysplasia and ensure your dog gets proper exercise as he or she ages. The earlier we diagnose the problem, the better it is for your dog’s future mobility and quality of life.
OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) Certification
We X-ray a dog’s hips for hip dysplasia and then forward the results to the OFA, where board-certified radiologists evaluate and grade your dog’s hips for certification. Used by the majority or canine breeders to determines medical soundness for breeding, OFA certification requires specific positioning of your dog during the X-ray process, so general anesthesia is used for the process.
PennHIP Method
This method of evaluating hip dysplasia for breeding soundness can be done at 16 weeks of age—much earlier than the OFA certification. It also requires a general anesthetic as it involves obtaining X-rays of your dog’s hips in three different positions. This method of evaluating dogs is good if your pet competes athletically or to select breeding candidates at a younger age.
We can assist with PennHip certification as well as assessing your dog’s risk of hip dysplasia and treatment options if necessary.
If You have questions about these screening tests or would like to schedule your pet for an appointment, call us at 715-386-8878.